“Worst Scandal in MMA” Leaves Fans Shook as German Twins Fool Entire Crowd to Win Tournament

How would life become if you could clone yourself and make your clone do the things you were too tired to do? It would be a breeze, right? It’s sometimes possible with twins!  You must have heard identical twins having a little fun pranking everyone or replacing each other. Take Fred and George Weasley from the famous Harry Potter series for example. But when it’s about serious things like an MMA tournament, is it proper to do the same?

Not at all. And recently two brothers had to face the consequences of using their power of being twins. So, what happened? Well, the German MMA organization called the German MMA Championship (GMC) had a huge scandal recently. This not so well-known organization has now gone viral because of the incident that pretty much shook them to the core, and everything was discussed by fans in Reddit.

GMC 41 took place in Gelsenkirchen and as part of that event, a contest was held under the name of GMC’s subsidiary “GMC OlympiX”.  They organized an amateur heavyweight tournament and a total of four heavyweights were selected in the tournament, Joshua Homberg, Aleksandar Grujić, Moritz Pohl, and David Minnemann.

Now here is the interesting bit—Joshua Homberg has a brother named Jeremias Homberg, and both are identical twins. The only thing that separates their looks is Jeremias’ tattoos. David Minnemann and Moritz Pohl were the first fighters to enter the cage, and after a tough match Minnemann advanced to the finals. In the second semifinal, Joshua Homberg fought Grujić,  and Homberg won. Thus, Homberg and Minnemann advanced to the final, which took place that same evening.


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This is where the scandal began.  Jeremias Homberg, his twin brother, was also in Gelsenkirchen, and even though he is lesser known in the MMA world, he trains at UFD Gym. So what happened?—when the fighters walked to the ring, instead of an exhausted Joshua, it was clear that Jeremias Homberg was the one entering the cage because his whole sleeve tattoo was visible to everyone. Naturally, he was not exhausted and knocked his opponent out in round 1 to gain a victory.

But the damage was done even though the team managers tried to hide his tattoos with a towel later on. The twins received severe penalties after the revelation and the head of GMC said that along with the German MMA Federation, they decided to suspend the brothers from the organisation for life. Now MMA fans are having a field day over the scandal and even commented on a Reddit post about the same.

Fans rush to discuss the latest GMC scandal

One MMA fan had described the whole incident in a Reddit post and others chimed in with their thoughts on the same. One MMA nerd said, “Jose Canseco did this once in celebrity boxing, but I think his brother had different tattoos so they figured it out.” So for the unversed, in 2011 Jose Canseco’s twin brother Ozzie impersonated him in a boxing match. However, fans were quick to notice with their eagle eyes that Ozzie did not have the same tattoos as his brother Jose. Immediately police escorted Ozzie out of the Hard Rock nightclub in Hollywood, and the rest is history.

Another follower insinuated all the scandals that UFC Heavyweight king Jon Jones has had and said, “Haha if this is the worst scandal in MMA, my name is Jon Jones.” Another fan hilariously mentioned the famous lawyer character from Breaking Bad saying, “Was Saul Goodman his manager?” Goodman is a fictional character notorious for helping out criminals and shady people and saves Walter White quite a few times in the blockbuster series.

Another follower gave an idea stating, “Make a movie about this,” while another followed chimed in, “work smarter not harder.” One netizen wrote, “scandal? nah this is hilarious,” while another stated, “This could easily be a WWE plot line.” What do you think about this failed trick? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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